Home Open to Visitors Again from June 15th

Posted: 10 June 2020

We are happy to write to say that BRH will be opening their doors again to visitors from Monday 15th June 2020.

We have spent a lot of time and planning to make the “Visiting Area” an open and informal, but “clean” area within all the legal requirements.

Being an “open area” and BRH Covid-19 free may I implore you to comply with the regulations set out below:


  • 1 Visit per week per Resident, to be booked beforehand with Pam. (In accordance with Guidelines of D.G.Saúde)
  • Visiting Hours as follows:
    • Mornings
    • Afternoons

The above allow sufficient time between each visit for sanitising purposes.

  • Temperatures taken upon arrival
  • All visitors must be registered. (In accordance with the Guidelines of D.G.Saúde)
  • Visitors are only allowed in the designated area where hand sanitising, appropriate clothing (shoe covers, headcovers, surgical masks) will be administered accordingly. These will all be supplied by the BRH. (In accordance with the Guidelines of D.G.Saúde)
  • Social distance to be maintained during all visits. (In accordance with Guidelines of D.G.Saúde)
  • Any gift brought for your family/guest must be in their original sealed packaging and handed to the office for disinfecting before entering the “Visiting Area”. Flowers are discouraged as they need to go through a 24hr disinfecting process. Newspapers are not allowed and magazines must be in a sealed packet.)
  • No smoking or eating permitted.
  • Please avoid bringing personal effects into the area, e.g handbags, mobile telephones, laptops etc. (In accordance with the Guidelines of D.G.Saúde
  • If you have been in contact with a suspected or confirmed COVID-19 case within 14 days, BRH cannot accept your visit. (In accordance with the Guidelines of D.G.Saúde)
  • If you do not feel well, no matter what type of symptom, please postpone your visit.
  • If, within 10 days of your visit, you feel any Covid-19 symptoms you are obliged to advise Pam immediately.

BRH has the right to make any alterations to the above at any time and if we feel that your family member is not well enough to receive visitors, we shall advise you immediately and reschedule your visit.

We trust that you will help BRH keep Covid-19 free not only for the Residents but for all our Staff, by adhering to the above, as our Residents are looking forward to receiving visitors again.